When it comes to the FUT coin selling saga much of the ground is already well trodden, especially by yours truly. Coins sellers are evil. EA however have now for the second year running seemingly decided to admit defeat in their battle against bots and auto-buyers by closing their front facing web and mobile apps indefinitely for ‘maintenance’. A lot of people have asked me ‘when will they be back?’ But would it be such a great loss if market trading via the web and mobile apps never came back at all?
We all know that contract cards are extremely important. fifa points account EVERY FIFA 16 UT player needs a contract card, no matter their skill set. These cards are the very things that allow you player to play on matchday when his matches hit zero. They are arguably the most important consumable in the game, which is why you should you use them to your advantage since there’s ALWAYS going to be a demand for some contract cards. Buy 20 or so cards at a time, all for around the same price (e.g Buy 20 cards for 200 coins each) then sell them off for about 300-500 coins for a MASSIVE profit. Selling contract cards will always be a surefire way to earn money because the demand will always be there.
Here are some miscellaneous tips that don’t fit under one category. Stay up to date with our fifa guide and what’s going on in the footballing world. If Diego Costa or any other player happens to be on a fine run of form or had a good game, that would be a good time to sell him (if you have that card of course) and balloon up the prices. Keep listing your cards throughout the day. Don’t give up because one auction failed. Lastly, don’t expect to get rich quick. All these methods require time and PATIENCE. That’s how the coin sellers ‘get in’ to exploit the game after all, where they then directly impact performance and pricing for all of us.
The action to permanently shut up shop would be classed as severe for sure, but perhaps EA are fed up of fighting a battle they plainly can’t win? Maybe they feel that retreating to the relative safety of consoles is best for all parties, and it quite possibly is. However, blaming coin selling for all of FUT’s problems would be very closed minded indeed, so I’d like to take things right back to basics on coin selling with a simple question. Why do honest FIFA gamers want to buy illegal FUT coins? Because without any demand, there can be no supply regardless of whether online stores are open or closed.
With FIFA 16 launch approaching this is a good time to give you an update on the steps we are taking to improve FIFA Ultimate Team™ (FUT) so that it’s a fair, fun and secure experience for everyone. In order to properly regulate player prices and better ensure a level playing field, we have adopted a two-strike ban policy for FIFA 16. Buying FIFA Ultimate Team “mule” accounts that are pre-loaded with illegitimate coins or FIFA Points from third-party websites will result in a permanent online ban from all EA games. As these accounts are created illegitimately by coin-sellers they are considered coin-seller accounts.
A “Comfort Trade” is a coin-selling method where you give coin-sellers permission to log into your account in order to acquire illegitimate coins. Once a coin-seller takes control of your fifa 16 coins account they utilize botting methods to acquire these illegitimate coins. This essentially makes your account a bot account in our security systems and will lead to a permanent online ban for all EA games. In order to fairly regulate player prices and better ensure a level playing field, we will adopt stricter bans on coin promoters. Going forward, the FIFA accounts of coin promoters will receive a permanent FIFA online ban.